
Natural fiber Kapok is the lightest in the world.
Kapok is a natural fiber obtained by a tree belonging to bombax family, the Ceiba Pentadora, also called Ciba. Between the different existing qualities of kapok, ICA Yarns selected the one offered by Flocus, a manufacturer in the Netherlands that uses kapok from trees that grow in Indonesian forests.
The tree, that stands over the others, can reach up to 70 metres height and the hollow fiber that’s obtained contains 80% air, so it’s very light.
Thanks to its peculiar aspect it is also called “vegetal wool”.
Many are the reasons why kapok is considered a green and sustainable fiber. First of all the tree grow spontaneously and doesn’t need intensive plantations, and second it doesn’t need fertilizers nor pesticides and the finished products composed by this fiber are 100% biodegradable. Ciba does not require water, it’s a plant used for reforestation of degraded agricultural lands and doesn’t produce any waste because every single part can be reused.
ICA Yarns selected this particular fiber because of its lightness and softness, which are properties that makes it possible to create warm garments with an amazing lightness and with a reduced environmental impact.
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